Saving Estimation Tool
Savesor Energy Saving Estimation Tool for Chiller / Heat Pump / VRV
Calculations are based on multiple case studies conducted at hotels in the Mediterranean region. Based on geographical location and property specific variations, results may deviate. These calculations may not be indicative.
Property name
Cost of Energy
USD per kWh (Example: 0.11)
Number of rooms at the hotel

Phone number

Occupancy average (from May to October) %
For 85% occupancy, enter this value 85
Occupancy average (from November to April) %
For 85% occupancy, enter this value 85
Room Monthly Energy Consumption (kW) without Savesor
August, September, October average monthly consumption per room. Typical hotel room monthly energy consumption without Savesor is 81 kW.
Cooling system outdoor units
total power for all the rooms in kWh
Heating system outdoor units
total power for all the rooms in kWh

Energy saving from May to October:
from rooms : 0 USD
from air conditioner outdoor units/heat pumps etc. : 0 USD
Energy saving from November to April:
from rooms : 0 USD
from air conditioner outdoor units/heat pumps etc. : 0 USD
Total Annual Energy Saving with Savesor
12 months total : 0 USD
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